What Is Gdax Aka Coinbase Pro?
Coinbase is a cryptocurrency exchange website for trading the cryptos. It was earlier known as Gdax, So you needed to go to Gdax login page for trading. However, later it was known as Coinbase pro. The main difference in coinbase pro and coinbase prime is the user base. The simple pro website is for individual users, while the Prime version is for financial institutions. With a Prime account, These institutions can track live market, monitor the open orders and view various trading history. However, there is more to it, which we will explore below. The Main difference Prime and pro? So, we have described the primary difference. However, here we will explore it even more about it. As we said, for pro any individual can sign up for it. However for prime version, an institute or company need to fill out a separate form for it. In pro, a person needs to get verified by providing the necessary information, to get checked about their identity to get permission for...